I have a dream part 88-Woman Presses Tucker on the Deportation of Illegal Immigrant Families: “…


Some of the errors that Tucker makes with respect to immigration are…

It’s legal to abort a baby in America in some states. The laws that protect the murder of The unborn are unjust laws. The supreme Court of America recently ruled against the so-called right to murder The unborn. Just because of Court doesn’t recognize a law is unjust does not make the law just. In other words the law is either just or unjust. Modern immigration law is by and large unjust. Modern immigration law differs from the founding fathers model of immigration. Not all of the immigrants coming into America are criminals. In fact I will venture to say that it’s only a minority that are criminals that should not be coming into the country. And I wager that the bulk of the immigrants  would be willing to work and not be a burden on the nation for 5 years like the founding fathers required via the federal government. Immigrants coming to America that do not have a criminal record and are willing to work and not be a burden on the nation for five years and can provide a letter from someone vouching for their moral character are legal immigrants according to the founding fathers model of immigration. Modern immigration though considers them illegal, by and large.

It’s legal for me to unlock my door and go into my house and eat supper and sleep in my house lol. Can you imagine if the government made a law that it’s illegal for me to go into my house and eat supper and sleep in my house? I mean assuming that I never committed any crime and they want me to be in jail LOL. I’m just saying if they made some arbitrary law that I can’t go into my house that law is unjust. The same applies with modern US immigration. People that should be let into the country and that will add to the country by not being a burden on the nation for five years (in other words they’re going to work)… they will add to the prosperity of America. Yet they are being called illegal.

Tucker makes a statement just after the 3-minute mark that he’s not sure how letting your doctor’s immigrate to America helps the country their immigrating from. That’s my understanding of what he’s trying to say. So he essentially thinks immigration is redundant and should not be in existence even. But America is a nation of immigrants. Tucker himself wouldn’t be here if his parents didn’t immigrate to the United States probably. Also immigration is like a free market. Just like in the United States Americans are free to move from state to state. States that conduct themselves in a wise manner will have people flocking to their state, because of the Liberty there. The same applies with Nations. People will go to a nation where they can prosper. That’s a good thing because it promotes Nations to be good. If I hear Tucker right it sounds like he thinks that people should not be able to immigrate from their country to another country. That’s absurd.

I’m sitting here in my vehicle by myself and nobody’s listening to me other than perhaps on this post. Meanwhile Tucker Carlson is speaking to vast audiences, feeding them information that is incorrect. What I’m sharing with you is correct and I’m willing to defend what I have to say. I welcome debate. I don’t debate for the sake of debate. I debate for the sake of America. I’ll never forget that license plate I saw while crossing the Portman bridge in Vancouver British Columbia. It said, “the people who think they know it all, irritate those of us who do.” It makes me laugh really because the guy driving the car with the bumper sticker on there thinks he knows it all LOL. But Tucker’s up there blabbing off like he’s a know it all …but he doesn’t know it all. He’s got it all mixed up on immigration. So why does he get to go up there and blab off misinformation? The country is being run by people who act like they know it all. They just take charge. That needs to stop. We need men to lead the nation who really know what’s going on like the founding fathers. David Barton is one of those men. So is Rick green.

These Super Bowl “Church” Services Need to STOP


The host of this show is correct when he criticizes what the video clips show. But he is also gravely wrong to promote watching the super bowl on the Lord’s Day. Here again is one of those popular sins in the modern western church. The fact that there are popular sins in the western church shows a gross hypocrisy which provokes God’s wrath on our land (Neh 13). When the Titanic went down the captain of the ship was responsible. The American ship is going down and the ministers in the nation have the highest calling and office in the land. Do they recognize their responsibility? Calvin’s Geneva and Knox’s Scotland prospered under their tutelage.

I believe I’ve seen Paul washer and other prominent ministers on his show. I don’t know what Paul Washer’s view is on watching the super bowl on the Lord’s Day but I would like to know and I’d also like to know if he’s willing to correct this man for his grave sin.

I have a dream-part 87…work


2 Thessalonians 3:10 KJV
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

I don’t need a permit to eat..  neither do you.

The Creator God made us to work. Every human being is created in his image. He wants every created human being to work. He says if they don’t work they shouldn’t eat. Modern US immigration knows that immigrants need to eat. So it is absurd that they should say that immigrants can’t work unless they get a permit. You might as well say they need to get a permit to eat as well. The right to work and to eat is a humanitarian right or as the founding fathers would phrase it… it’s a natural law. The Constitution upholds this natural law in the ninth amendment. The 9th amendment says that we have the right to eat and we don’t need a permit to eat. God has given us the right to eat. God has given us the command to work. That’s what the 9th amendment is all about… natural rights.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

9th Amendment

Modern US immigration is a slave trade. It’s backwards. It’s a brainwashing machine. The original intent of the founding fathers written in the Constitution, with respect to immigration, empowered the federal government to ensure 3 main qualifications of an immigrant. One of them was that the immigrant not be a burden on the nation for five years. I learned that from David Barton of wall builders. David Barton is pretty much the horse’s mouth with American history. He said after that it was up to the individual states what they wanted in an immigrant. The way it is now though the federal government controls almost everything with respect to who immigrates to America. They’ve overreached and overstepped the bounds of the 10th Amendment.

So what is the rationale behind saying immigrants can’t work unless they get a permit? It’s the same kind of tyranny and government oppression we see in many shapes and forms in our day. Tyranny needs to be recognized before it can be dealt with. Branding immigrants with a law that says they can’t work stirs up division among the people. We the people are a whole unit. Our welfare is protected in the Constitution. The Constitution simply delineates our rights and protects us from government oppression. We the people are divided with this unjust law established by modern US immigration. Americans think that other parts of WE THE PEOPLE, who are immigrants, are taking away their jobs. This is complete nonsense. When I put my fork to my mouth am I taking away that fork full from your mouth? When a person works they are productive and can feed themselves. Not only that, they benefit the society in which they live because they earn an income by producing something of value and then they use their income to purchase food from a farmer or a business. So modern US immigrations handling of the subject of work is all about oppression and control. It’s communism.

Nabeel Qureshi on Islam and Christianity

A powerful testimony and gospel message

Church purity

This is the American Church! The American church consists of more or less pure local congregations. I never would see such wonderful testimonies such as this if I stuck to only the churches that are more exact in public worship and sundry doctrines. And that is because God is working in the less pure churches…but less pure how? They may be more pure in love to Christ.  1st Corinthians chapter 1 says that God uses the weak to shame the wise. I think that has something to do with this subject of more or less pure churches. An “Arminian” who keeps God’s law, is better than a calvinist who breaks God’s law… much like the good Samaritan.

The Westminster confession of faith says that the church is more or less pure. From that comes the question (to those who reject less pure churches) do you think the church is perfect here on Earth? If you don’t think it’s perfect, then you must agree that the church is more or less pure. So why don’t you assemble with them on the Lord’s day though they be less pure than your understanding dictates (Heb 10:25)? It’s the easy way out (of the mess of denominationalism…and this low day of the church)…but broad is the path that leads to destruction.

That more or less purity, appears in local congregations. But where do you draw the line on less purity? When are you going to call an assembly a synagogue of Satan? Because if you call a local congregation a synagogue of Satan, that is truly a church, though it may be less pure… then you are opposing Christ’s Church… which is a very dangerous place to be in.

When it comes to the marks of the church there can be degrees of purity. Church discipline that is exercised in various congregations varies in its purity and verdure. Purity of worship varies in purity as well. Even the sacraments vary in purity. For example, James Durham considered Martin Luther to be in the true church, though he had held to the ubiquity, also known as consubstantiation (see his commentary on the book of Revelation…chapter and verse 18:4). I’ve seen VERY intelligent professors flat out ignore what Durham taught from Rev 18:4.

Chapter 25: Of the Church

The 1647 Westminster Confession of Faith

4. This catholic Church hath been sometimes more, sometimes less visible.a And particular churches, which are members thereof, are more or less pure, according as the doctrine of the gospel is taught and embraced, ordinances administered, and public worship performed more or less purely in them.b.              a. Rom 11:3-4; Rev 12:6, 14. • b. 1 Cor 5:6-7; Rev 2-3 throughout.


From this confession in paragraph 4 of Ch 25 we are taught there are varying degrees of purity in

  • The doctrine of the gospel
  • The administration of the ordinances
  • Public Worship

All three of these vary in terms of purity in PARTICULAR CHURCHES.

Even those who profess to have the outward form of public worship to be the most pure…must admit they yet fall far short and offer up imperfect worship to the perfect God of creation.


The subject of the purity of particular churches impacts the subject of denominationalism…as well. The word of God speaks AGAINST division…IN MANY PLACES! But denominations are divided!

1 Corinthians 1:10-13 KJV
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. [11] For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. [12] Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. [13] Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

Proverbs 6:16,19 KJV
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: [19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

God hates divorce! To think you are better off being divorced, but still best friends, is an oxy moron  The same goes with denominational divisions. To cut off or divide from a particular church that Christ has not cut off, is to appose Christ himself.  I had a Roman Catholic aunt and uncle that had separate beds. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that marriage is a carnal thing. That’s the weird kind of separation that denominationalism is about. It’s not proper to separate into denominations and then say that’s okay as long as we share schools. As long as we share pulpits. I’m not speaking against the sharing of pulpits or schools. That’s a good thing. The Bible says we’re supposed to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Keeping unity takes work. Restoring unity takes work. If there are 10,000 denominations with 10,000 different doctrines that means there’s lots of work to do to remove the walls between the denominations.

One of the MAIN problems with denominationalism is that it erodes forbearance…which is a the glue of love holding the body of Christ together. If you don’t like your brother’s breath, start a new denomination that uses Colgate mouthwash.  I mean that’s how ridiculous it is almost.  Whereas…James Durham said there may not have been one true converted Christian in Laodicea, yet God addresses it as a true church. It was not a synagogue of Satan. 

Denominationalism also promotes implicit faith…the believing something simply because an overseer teaches it. Bereans are a thing of the past or are counted as troublemakers (Acts 17:11).

Denominational walls also hinder efforts to unify…such as a Westminster Assembly (even Erastians were there). Denominations have decided on their issues, and are often not open to another vantage point or a different messenger who like Jonah will have a key from God to save Nineveh.

Denominationalism dissuades Apollos from receiving a Priscilla and Aquila from explaining the more excellent way. Denominationalism says to Priscilla and Aquila that they need to go down the road to church xyz because we are church abc. Denominationalism counts a Priscilla and Aquila to be trouble makes, contentious, divisive if they approach Apollos to explain the more excellent way.

I’m open to be proven wrong but like Luther I say HERE I STAND.

Emperor Charles V was there. He demanded that Luther recant. Luther’s response sealed his place in world history: “Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason, my conscience is captive to the word of God! To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. I therefore cannot, and I will not recant! Here I stand. I can do no other.”


Blindness to impurities

Recently I published a post on popular sins. In this article I talk about the fact that churches that are more pure in their form of public worship have popular sins that they overlook or are blind to. I was told by a brother, in a church that is more pure in its form of public worship, that the minister in his church once said that there are other churches more godly than us. Those are not the exact words but that’s the gist of what he said, from what I recollect.

Irregardless …the fact is that there are sins in churches that are more pure in some areas that are not in other churches that may be less pure in those same areas. So when we consider the purity of the church the form of public worship is not the only standard to measure it by. It is true that public worship is a high priority in God’s eyes, but it is possible for a church to have its form of public worship exact and yet have lost its love for Christ.

I was thinking of this while praying. The ordinance of church discipline has regard to the ten commandments. The ordinance of church discipline is the mark of a true church. As we’ve already established this ordinance is more or less purely practiced in particular churches. The logical conclusion of what was just said is that the ten commandments are more or less purely observed in particular churches.  The church that is more pure in its formal outward form of public worship maybe less pure than another particular church that has fervent love to Christ and to the brethren.

1st Corinthians 13 puts love first …above Faith and Hope. Among those who are in the circles that are more true to the form of public worship, there can be a sort of phariseeism.

God loved us first before we loved him. Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. Love is the greatest of the three …first Corinthians 13 says. The Bible says God is love. First Corinthians 13 says if we have all knowledge and we don’t have love we are a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal.

Consider the love that this Christian doctor showed to this Muslim, who was out to jihad American culture.

I personally have not seen the sort of love displayed by the Christian MD who saved Kamal’s life…in the churches of our day here in the West that claim to be more pure in the outward form of public worship…or in some other doctrine. In the video cited at the beginning of this post Nabeel says that love is the key to witnessing to Muslims. I remember years ago Chuck swindoll said that people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. He hit the nail on the head. Both Nabeel and Kamal testify to this in the videos cited in this post. I heard it today preached from Ephesians chapter 3. We need to know God’s love before we can love him. Love is the key.

I don’t want to let on as though I’m a know it all. I don’t have all the answers. But I do want to submit my thoughts in order to help heal the divisions in the church. We are scattered and divided.  Division makes us weak and God doesn’t like division among his people. I realize only the spirit of God… as it says in Ezekiel 37… can overcome the barriers and hindrances we are up against. I love the fact that the Westminster public worship directory in the public prayer before the sermon prays for the healing of the divisions of the church.

I’m aware that the subject of love includes a David standing up to a Goliath… or a Samson against the Philistines …or Jesus against the Pharisees …or Paul when he stood against Peter for his dissembling… or Samuel Rutherford and George Gillespie exposing the Erastians. I’m also aware that William Gouge rightly said in his work Domestical Duties, in his teaching on husbands duties, that the sword of correction becomes blunt with over much use. Because love knows we have limited ability to receive correction. Moses had to vail his face. Jesus said he had many things to say that his hearers could not yet bear (John 16:12).

Short comment on public worship

This stuff makes me vomit …almost. So I don’t think impure worship is to even exist…but it does in varying degrees. God counts man made worship as worthless. It’s a stench in his nostrils. Even so, God has been patient with his people’s imperfect worship ever since the garden of Eden.

Kamal Saleem: A Muslim Cries Out to Jesus – CBN.com


Jesus did this for me too.  My mother and I drove Rusty, our family cat, to the vet the previous day. I carried Rusty out of the car into the vet building. The cat freaked out and you cannot hold a cat that has claws and is freaked out. He ran away and I lost our family cat, which was almost like a family member. We looked all over for Rusty but could not find him. I was devastated.

The next morning around 5:00 a.m. my dad put Rusty boy, our family cat on my bed. I was totally astounded! Then I was given a voracious hunger to know God and had to find a Bible. I ordered a reader’s digest Bible. I had to find out what God thought about me. I was asking my parents everyday if they had gotten my Bible in the mail yet. They got so worn out by me asking everyday that they went to the Hudson’s Bay store and bought me a reader’s digest Bible. This fond memory of my parents is precious. In time I realized that the reader’s digest Bible was not the full complete word of God. Through the council of other more mature Christians I was directed to The New American standard Bible. I had a few copies of it. The most recent one was the ryrie study Bible. That was my Bible until I switched to the King James version around 1997. It was hard to switch from one translation to the other because I had so many passages of scripture remembered by what side of the page they were on and if they are were on the top or the bottom of the page or right/left hand corner.

Paul Washer | Persecution is coming #shorts #gospel #bible



I’m not sure if this is the video I saw the other day on Paul Washer and his sentiments regarding the future in America. First of all I just want to say that I look up to Paul Washer. In other words I see him is greater in the Lord than me. By far.

What I wanted to comment on was this common notion that it’s over for America. I don’t know what Paul Washer’s understanding is from the scripture on the end times. But if he doesn’t hold to the Puritan hope, his end time views may be leading him to think it’s all over for America.

I’m not one of those people that stands in pride that America is undefeatable. I know full well that America is vulnerable and in jeopardy by her present enemies. America will fall if she doesn’t turn to Jesus. However what I would like to have us consider is this mindset of giving up. When David saw Goliath he didn’t run for the hills. He didn’t pack his bags. There are many examples of this courageous faith of God’s people in the word of God.

1 Chronicles 11:12-14 KJV
And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite, who was one of the three mighties. [13] He was with David at Pas–dammim, and there the Philistines were gathered together to battle, where was a parcel of ground full of barley; and the people fled from before the Philistines. [14] And they set themselves in the midst of that parcel, and delivered it, and slew the Philistines; and the LORD saved them by a great deliverance.

1 Samuel 14:13-15 KJV
And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet, and his armour bearer after him: and they fell before Jonathan; and his armour bearer slew after him. [14] And that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armour bearer made, was about twenty men, within as it were an half acre of land, which a yoke of oxen might plow. [15] And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling.

The devil likes to make us fear him instead of God. The devil wants Christians to run for the hills. He does not want David to stand up to Goliath. And we see all kinds of fear mongering going on in our day. Our nation is being driven by fear mongers. It’s like a mouse putting up his fists against an elephant. The mouse wants the elephant to be afraid of him because his fists are up. LOL. In other words Christians have nothing to be afraid of if we’re walking close to Jesus. But more than that our ignorance about civil magistrate is leading us to allow Hitler’s to ascend the throne. The American revision of the Westminster confession of faith has a lot to do with this cowardly pathetic mindset in the Christian church.