Monsanto sued to death


I want to thank God for making me a point man in opposing Monsanto on Google Plus. I remember a debate that involved dozens and dozens people on both sides of the Monsanto debate.  I was given a great honor to be a part of that and give moral support to the scientific argument. I was amazed at how powerful arguments God gave me to shut down Monsanto. It seemed at the time as if Monsanto was a insurmountable hurdle that we the people would have to suffer forever. But here’s evidence that the seed sown back in those days on Google Plus took root and Monsanto is on the way out.

God also gave me the same sort of powerful insight with the covid pandemic. I knew almost instantly that something was wrong and that sense just kept getting stronger and stronger. I give glory to God for this.  I’m not being proud I’m giving God the glory. I’m also defending myself because I’ve come under a lot of fire for opposing the mainstream lies.

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