Watch “Award winning teacher Kerstin Westcott’s resignation speech in Green Bay School” on YouTube


This is not school! This is a joke! This is the fruit of the evolutionary lies taught in public schools. This is the fruit of the history revisionist that David Barton exposes. This is the fruit of Common Core which is dumbing down the people and is set to destroy American intelligence. This is the fruit of Hollywood morality that has almost totally demoralized our generation. This is what God threatened when he said I have set before you life and death. America has been choosing death and those of you men who are in the military that have influence… if you’re a patriot you need to stand up and take action because this is war. This is what’s causing the shootings in high schools. You couldn’t pay me to send my children to that kind of a school and they’re all over America. Shame on you men who are letting this go on. If you don’t choose God and His Ten Commandments you’ve chosen death. End of story.

This is going on in the workplace as well. Bullying is all over our society.

This mess we are in is a direct result of who governs and how they govern.  The war zones of American High Schools are brought about by governors like Julie Payette, who has publicly defied the Creator of the Universe and so brings a curse down upon society.

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